Humanitarian Support Foundation Atlanta employees 2nd year in a row cupcake bake sale fundraiser for the American Heart Association in the lobby of the building. This year, employees baked 380 cupcakes for the fundraiser. (140 more than last year – due to popular demand). Employees donated cookware supplies, cake mix, frosting and volunteered their time covering the cupcake table and passed out AHA awareness pamphlets and bags for the event.
Again, cupcakes sold out and all proceeds will be donated to American Heart Association to raise awareness for heart disease, stroke research and education.
The Humanitarian Support Foundation Atlanta is recognized as a Gold Achievement Fit and Friendly Worksite by the American Heart Association.
Employees volunteer hours are turned into earned dollars through the “Matching Action with Dollars” plan. At the end of the year, employees earned dollars are to a 501-C3 of their choice.