Archives for December 2012
League, Company Stuff Stockings
On December 4th, 2012, members of Charity League of Martinsville and Henry County and employees of Global Children’s Humanitarian Foundation gathered at Salvation Army Dreamland to fill 600 holiday stockings to benefit local underprivileged children ages 2-12 residing in the Martinsville and Henry County area.
The Stocking Project is an annual project of Charity League of MHC and this year Global Children’s Humanitarian Foundation partnered with Charity League by contributing $3,000 to the project and helping to fill the stockings. All children received books, toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss, and other gifts such as crayons and coloring books, toys, personal hygiene items and winter accessories, depending on their age group. This year’s stocking project committee, comprised of April Haynes and Katie Muehleck, sent fundraising letters to local individuals and businesses, picked up donations, and ordered and organized the stocking stuffer items. League members contributed their time and money to assist with the project.
Charity League of MHC and employees of Global Children’s Humanitarian Foundation are deeply grateful to all members, individuals, and businesses for their generous donations and support.
Company Throws Christmas Party for 50 Children
By Tola Adamson – WSET, ABC 13 News
Martinsville, VA– Christmas came early for more than 50 children on Saturday, all thanks to a company in Martinsville. Global Children’s Humanitarian Foundation donated $7,000 to the Salvation Army.
The company wanted to host a Christmas party for children in the community, who probably wouldn’t have gotten gifts otherwise.
The Christmas party was probably one the children will never forget. The Salvation Army selected 53 kids to write a wish list to Santa, and thanks to Global Children’s Humanitarian Foundation, they got everything on their list.
“I really want to see the awe on their faces,” Blake Shumate said.
That’s exactly what Blake Shumate saw, children filled with excitement. Shumate is the operations manager of Global Children’s Humanitarian Foundation in Martinsville. The company has an employee foundation which allows them to donate to a charity of their choice.
“We tried to find partners that would allow us to come in and do a lot of the work,” Shumate said. “Salvation Army was really an awesome fit for us.”
The company bought Christmas gifts for dozens of kids whose families are struggling this season.
“It was amazing you know because they took the time,” Salvation Army director Lieutenant Lisa Knots said. “They were like so do you think they would like this or do you think they would like that, tell me a little bit more about the child.”
“It means the world to me,” Grandmother Georgia Thomas said. “This is an answer to prayer. God really blessed us and it means so much to me to see my grandchildren happy.”
The children also had a nice hot breakfast with their family and did some arts and crafts. Shumate said although the holidays are the busiest time of year, he hopes more companies will take time out of their schedules to help make a difference.
“If other companies can jump on the bus and really just help their local community, you know it sounds cliché but it really could be a wonderful world,” Shumate said.
“They have gone way beyond blessing the Salvation Army right here in Martinsville,” Lieutenant Knots said.
Global Children’s Humanitarian Foundation now has a yearlong partnership with the Salvation Army, and even surprised them with much needed new computers on Saturday morning.