Archives for December 2013

Humanitarian Support Foundation Participates in the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Event

SalvationArmyAngelTree2013The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Event is a long-standing tradition that offers individuals & families the opportunity to “adopt” (in spirit) a child for Christmas.  This opportunity gives children the chance to experience a Christmas joy that they would otherwise not encounter.  Families and Corporations reach out to sign up with their local Salvation Army to provide children with age appropriate gifts. Humanitarian Support Foundation has developed a corporate partnership with the Salvation Army.  This year Humanitarian Support Foundation supported the event with both monetary means and man-power for shopping.  Our children are the future of this country and local economies, and Humanitarian Support Foundation is proud to support the smiles of our future.

Learn more about the sponsorship at

Humanitarian Support Foundation Visits the Hairston Home for Adults With the local Salvation Army

December 6th, 2013-Humanitarian Support Foundation visits the Hairston Home for Adults with the local Salvation Army

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Earlier this month, Humanitarian Support Foundation partnered with our local Salvation Army and visited the Hairston Home for Adults, a local assisted living facility for adults. Humanitarian Support Foundation volunteers, alongside the Salvation Army representatives, performed Christmas carols with the residents.  Other events with a pastor leading in prayer and scripture. The volunteers then passed out gift boxes with toiletry items to each resident, wishing them a “Merry Christmas.”

Giving back for the Holidays – Genesis Shelter

photo (6)Humanitarian Support Foundation  partnered with Global Aerospace for Holiday gift sharing this year. Humanitarian Support Foundation purchased 18  warm blankets  and each resident will  receive a new  blanket once they transition to photo (4)their new home.  Our  neighbor, Global Aerospace employees participate in  an annual employee gift exchange.  This year,  Global Aerospace employees decided to purchase gifts and wrap them for all of the children at Genesis Shelter.

photo (2)We delivered the gifts to Genesis on December 05 and  served dinner for the group.   The Genesis Volunteer Coordinator, along with the parents and children was very excited and thankful to receive the wonderful gifts.

Humanitarian Support Foundation employees are inspired phototo give back to the community especially during the Holiday Season. Watching the children and their parents smile is always heartwarming.

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Humanitarian Support Foundation Supports Grace Network Pumpkin Patch

IMG_1417Humanitarian Support Foundation recently support the Grace Network Pumpkin patch fund raiser. The Grace Network holds this fundraiser annual to provide pumpkins of all shapes and sizes to the local community. The proceeds of this function assist families in crisis in the Martinsville/Henry County area. This year Humanitarian Support Foundation employees donated their time to help the Grace Network work this function with the local community.

2013-10-18 15.25.24Below is a thank you letter from the Grace Network about the event and how other local companies may participate.SKMBT_C36413112215320